Statistics Foundation for Machine Learning (SFML)

Build your career in or advance it to Machine learning, Data science and Business Analytics
Details of program:
  • Duration: 40 hours
  • Course-ware: Practice problems
  • Features:
    • Plenty of examples and assignments based on day-to-day life experiences.
    • 80% practice, 20% theory
    • The course design manifests applications of concepts in solving real life problems.
    • Participants handle, modify, analyze, in short play with the data and learn in presence of facilitator.
    • Completely relevant for pursuing careers in Machine Learning and Data science.
  • Pre-requisites:
    • No prior knowledge of statistics is required.
    • Basic mathematics (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and decimals) should be known.
    • Will to learn and practice.
  • Technical requirements:Laptop or desktop with any version of Microsoft excel installed.
  • Modules covered:
    • Introduction of Statistics: Data and information, Types of data, Population and sample
    • Describing data: Types of chart/graph, drawing graphs, mean, mode, median, range, percentile, 5-step summary, variance, standard deviation
    • Percentage and Data interpretation: concept, problems solving by faster techniques, problems scenarios are from day-to-day life examples
    • Probability: Counting principles, combinations and permutations, Key terms of probability, problems on cards-dice-coins-balls, independent events, odds in favor and against, conditional probability, Addition and Multiplication theorem
    • Distributing data: Density curve, Discrete and continuous random variables, binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, Normal distribution, standard normal distribution, The empirical rule, central limit theorem, sampling distribution, Finite population correction, Confidence intervals, Confidence levels, T-table
    • Hypothesis testing: Significance test, P-value, Type I and II errors, Test-statistic, Hypothesis testing for population mean, Hypothesis testing for population proportion
    • Regression: Correlation, Covariance, Regression line, Linear Regression model, Chi-square tests

Note: This course has first session free. Please fill the enquiry form. You will get a callback.

For schedule, please check ‘upcoming batches’ section on front page. We can schedule a batch if you have a group of 5 students. For fees, please contact us.
Details of program:

The course for retail is available for colleges also. However, based on requirement, a completely customized course is also available. Please contact us to discuss.