Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the reading zone!
It’s been more than 12 years now for the decision that I made. The decision was to leave software industry and to start teaching. The decision was to give away so called luxurious lifestyle and to jump into something that doesn’t have prestige in Indian society – i.e. teaching. But, once I made the decision, I have not regretted about it till the time I am interacting to you all through this blog. I am sure I won’t regret either.
It’s been a fantastic feeling to launch a website. The purpose of the website is, you know it – if you have found it somewhere on website, to reach out people, clients, students and let them know about the work that I am doing. Another, probably the most important, purpose of the site is to share knowledge that I have gained from my teachers, my mentors and my Gurus. They have enriched me by sharing their experience, so now it’s my time to start imparting by adding my penny to it.
I have decided to write and interact with you all on various topics. The thought itself reminds me about plenty of stories, movies, books, evenings spent on forts and so on. On other hand, there can be topics from ‘how to prepare for Aptitude’ to ‘Analysis of a specific exam’ and from ‘how to speak in GD’ to ‘how to prepare resume’. I would be delighted if you suggest topics on which you want me to write.
Till then, take a tour of the website, visit free learning section. Hope you find it worth!
Share your feedback and suggestions too.
See ya soon!
– Nachiket J